How to Order:

Order Methods:
1 Online Order: Please click on this link

2 Email Order:
#1 order item details (brand, model, quantity, price, freight, total amount).
#2 customer contact details( company name, contact person, phone, fax, delivery address, how to pay, special request)

3 Fax Order:
#1 Down load and print out your order form from “Forms” inĀ  left hand side
#2 Fill up your order form.
#3 Fax it to (02) 9600 6064.

4 Phone Order:
#1 Find your order under “Products&Services”.
#2 Please call us on (02) 9600 8296 between the hours of 09:00 AM to 05:00PM Monday to Friday. Other time Call 0416 263 828.

Payment Term and conditions
If goods are sold on credit terms they must be paid for within 30 days from the statement date. An administration
fee of $20 will be applied to any account which remains unpaid 45 days from statement date and an additional
fee of $20 will be applied every 15 days thereafter until the balance is received.
Payment for both credit account and COD customers will be accepted by cash, cheque or direct deposit into
Company’s bank account. The details as follows,
Dasing Pty Ltd

St.George Bank

BSB: 112 879

Account # 001819641